Health and wellbeing survey

Mon 21 Oct 2024
Dear parent(s),
Research Project: Understanding how adolescents look for health and wellbeing information online

We are currently conducting a study investigating how adolescents (11-16YO) use and perceive online sources of information. This will involve students completing an anonymous online questionnaire during school hours about their views on using different online sources (e.g., websites, social media) to find information about health and wellbeing. The survey will take around 20-25 minutes to complete.

Outwood Academy City Fields has approved for us to collect this data in school, and the study has received ethical approval from the Loughborough University Ethics Review Sub-Committee (Reference Number: 15046).

We are looking to conduct our study with children in Years 7-11 from Monday 4th November 2024. We include the Parent Information Sheet with this letter.

If you DO NOT wish for your child to take part in this research, please complete and return the opt-out form. Children who are opted out of taking part in the study will complete a different school activity (dictated by their teacher) during this time.

The deadline to return the opt-out form is Friday 1st November 2024.

If you have any questions or concerns about the research being conducted or want to speak to a member of the research team about your child’s participation, you can contact Dr Florence Sheen at

If you feel your concerns have not been handled satisfactorily, you can contact the Secretary of the Ethics Review Sub-Committee, Research & Enterprise Office, Hazlerigg Building, Loughborough University, Epinal Way, Loughborough, LE11 3TU. Tel: 01509 222423. Email: